Environment Sensors

Maintain asset integrity, improve safety and sanitation and increase efficiency and asset lifecycle, with intelligent decision-making enabled by environmental sensor solutions.

Some assets need to be kept in a particular kind of environment in order to operate effectively, and weather and indoor environmental conditions can affect the lifecycle of most assets, generally. Smarter Technologies Group’s environmental sensor solutions allow you to install micro weather stations; monitor your assets’ environment; collect and view environment data on wind direction, velocity, humidity, ambient pressure, light level and temperature over the Orion Data Network, with real time alerts to prevent disaster and asset degradation. Solutions can be both preventative and reactive.


What Environmental States Can Be Measured?

There are many different environmental states that can be measured. You can determine the atmospheric pressure and altitude, precise levels of humidity, moisture and water affecting your assets, including rain and snow fall. Chemical and gas leaks and other pollutants can be instantly discovered with our solutions, utilising sensors that can detect the presence and levels of hundreds of different gases.

Solutions can be integrated with temperature sensors for assets that need to be kept at extreme or constant temperatures. Disaster can be averted and combated quickly with smoke and fire sensor solutions. Micro seismic sensors can provide further corroboration when on-site motion sensors are activated due to seismic activity such as an earthquake or tsunami.

All Smarter Technologies environment monitoring solutions are created with robust, durable and weatherproof materials. They are highly accurate and for most applications they are wireless, compact, portable and can be solar and battery powered for use in remote areas where there may be no other power source. Orion tags send an alert as soon as the battery is nearing the end of its life and needs to be replaced.

These cost-effective solutions with real-time data feedback over our privately-owned Orion Data Network, protect asset integrity, increase productivity and provide you with business intelligence and actionable insights for better business decision-making and prolonged asset lifecycle.


Common Applications for Environment Sensor Solutions

All Smarter Technologies Environment Sensor solutions automate and streamline previously labour-intensive processes and eliminate the possibility of human error. Some of the most common applications for Orion environment sensor solutions are:

Monitoring air quality and detecting CO2 and noxious gases and pollutants in, for example, smart cities, industrial greenhouses, wildlife conservancies, zoos, hospitals or mines.

Water quality assurance and flood level monitoring for domestic and commercial buildings, meat and dairy farms, hospitals, laboratories, smart cities, fisheries and wildlife conservancies.

Moisture and vibration levels in soil to predict and prevent landslides.

Detecting smoke and fire in areas like national parks, wildlife conservancies and remote rural towns.

Micro seismic sensors can corroborate seismic activity such as an earthquake or tsunami.

Protecting healthcare and scientific equipment and specimens in NHS Trusts, private hospitals and research labs.

Measuring snowfall at commercial ski resorts.

Preserving food at the correct temperature in the restaurant, hospitality and retail industries.


Environment Sensors in Different Industries


Our Orion Environmental Sensor solutions have several applications in the mining industry. In shallow mines the underground conditions can be powerfully affected by surface weather conditions. Methane is of course a major fire and asphyxiant health hazard. In deeper mines where a large amount of timber is still used to support the roof, there is risk of both fire and collapse. A micro weather station comprised of several sensors and connected to the Orion Data Network, for real time motoring and instant alerts, enables you to detect the levels of hundreds of gases in the air and multiple gases at the same time. It can also detect conditions that may cause an increase in methane or a roof collapse or give early warning of a potential or actual fire.

Our solutions greatly improve mine safety for your personnel, protect expensive equipment, reduce downtime and increase productivity. Understanding weather patterns and the mine ecosystem ad integrating these solutions with our other asset tracking and monitoring solutions, also allows you to predict your maintenance schedules, better organise the mine layout and optimise underground vehicle routes for safety and efficiency.

Data Centres

Millions of pounds and resources are wasted in data centres each year in inefficient cooling systems, and failure to detect changes in the environment that can adversely affect data centre assets. Smarter Technologies Group’s automated environment monitoring solutions can be custom designed and made to fit the requirements of your individual data centre. You can instantly see critical status changes including humidity, air pressure and flow, contact closure and the presence of water, smoke or fire.

Our Data Centre Environment solutions help you to meet regulatory compliance, avoid non-compliance fines and prevent costly asset damage and loss. Connected to the Orion data network, these solutions give you real-time data set to your own bespoke, pre-defined data preferences. Orion sends alerts direct to your mobile, laptop or pager whenever conditions move outside of your chosen parameters, so you can take immediate action. In addition to protecting your staff and assets these solutions also save money on energy bills and reduce the carbon footprint of your data centre.


In NHS and Private Healthcare facilities keeping your refrigerators, freezers, heating units and various treatment areas and equipment at an even temperature is essential. A sudden, or undetected gradual change in environmental conditions can destroy the integrity of specimens, medication and food products, causing unnecessary waste and delaying emergency surgery and treatment. Manually monitoring these environments is time consuming and has a high risk of human error.

Smarter Technologies Group environment monitoring solutions automate these processes, freeing up more time and resources for patient care and overcoming the risk of manual mistakes. When you receive an alert and real-time data feedback, from Orion, on the change in environment, you can take instant action to rectify the environment or to prevent staff from using contaminated or degraded specimens and drugs.

Orion environment solutions for the healthcare industry therefore help you to save time and money, optimise valuable resources, spend more time with patients and meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

Local Government – Social Housing

Another way in which Smarter Technologies environment sensor solutions can prevent health issues, save lives and reduce man hours and expenditure, is in detecting moisture, humidity, mould, carbon monoxide and other gases in government-owned domestic housing.

Our solutions can be fully integrated with existing internal government housing management systems and other Smarter Technologies Group solutions (such as energy consumption sensors), to provide a full 360 degree picture of the condition of the accommodation at all times. This reduces the need for face to face visits to the property, providing excellent time and cost efficiencies. It also facilitates better reputation management, as housing problems are very newsworthy and highly emotive issues. Most importantly it also helps you to protect and safeguard your most vulnerable tenants from young families to the elderly.

When you receive real-time data from Orion you can plan and pre-empt social housing maintenance and repairs and make better-informed decisions for the benefit of your tenants. This invaluable intelligence also helps to reduce insurance premiums and bring any claims to a swifter conclusion.

Ultimately the kind of detailed data and insights that Orion provides is shaping the way in which private and government-owned housing is designed and built to ensure better safety, a higher standard of living and a reduced carbon footprint.

Smart Cities & Rural Areas

Smarter Technologies Group’s wireless sensor technology connected to the Orion Data Network has many applications in both smart cities and rural areas. From an environment perspective they can be used to monitor, for example, gases such as methane and CO, air quality, moisture, humidity, smoke and fire. The real-time information fed back via Orion can help with preventing air pollution; predicting maintenance and repurchasing schedules in accordance with weather and environmental conditions; prevention and faster response in the event of a forest fire; cleaner water and safer, healthier overall living conditions. Combined with our other asset, utilities and waste monitoring, tracking, management and recovery solutions, we are working with the governments of today to build the smarter cities of tomorrow.

Museums & Galleries

In the Museum and Galleries sector Smarter Technologies Group’s IoT-enabled environment sensor solutions are the most effective way to protect paintings and artefacts from environmental damage, such as excess humidity, and also from overheating, fire and smoke. We can create a system for the whole building, individual rooms or an individual painting or artefact. The environmental parameters can be set to suit different works of art in different locations. With Orion’s real-time data feedback, alerts and reporting, used in conjunction with Orion artwork security solutions, you can rest assured that your valuable assets remain in excellent condition as an important part of our culture and heritage.




Micro weather station sensor solutions protect assets and personnel from changing environmental conditions


All Smarter Technologies Group’s environmental sensor solutions can be easily integrated with your existing systems and our other asset tracking, monitoring and recovery solutions


Automates manual processes reducing error, increasing speed and eliminating waste


Saves time and money freeing up resources for other critical work


Up to 75% cost reductions compared to other environmental solutions


Impressive range of applications across a large number of industries


Enables regulatory compliance


Real time data feedback over the Orion Data Network gives valuable business insights for safer and more profitable business decisions



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